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Attend a Grow with Google training

Join us for free workshops (including virtual options)
to grow your skills, career or business.

Find a Google training

There are currently no upcoming trainings in this area, but new trainings are being added all the time, so please check back soon.

In the meantime, we encourage you to check out our online resources. You can also refer local nonprofits to join the Grow with Google Partner Program, so we can work with them to bring digital skills workshops to your community.


woman working on a computer
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The following events are scheduled within the seven-day period around your selected date.



{[venue.venue_city]}, {[venue.state]}



Digital Coach-led

We couldn’t find any events scheduled for the seven-day period around your selected date. Choose another date, or explore our on-demand workshops.

What's happening in {[eventSearchCtrl.state]}


We're proud to partner with local organizations helping to create economic opportunity in their communities. Apply to become a Grow with Google partner.

  • {[partner.p_name]}


Here's how we're helping people in {[searchCtrl.state]} grow using Google tools and resources

{[eventSearchCtrl.searchState.economicImpact | currency :"$" : 0 ]} of economic activity

In 2020, Google helped provide {[eventSearchCtrl.searchState.economicImpact | currency :"$" : 0 ]} of economic activity for {[eventSearchCtrl.searchState.numberOfBusiness]} {[eventSearchCtrl.searchState.state]} businesses, publishers, nonprofits, creators, and developers.

{[eventSearchCtrl.searchState.economicImpact]} of economic activity

In 2020, Google helped provide {[ eventSearchCtrl.searchState.economicImpact ]} of economic activity for {[eventSearchCtrl.searchState.numberOfBusiness | number]} {[eventSearchCtrl.searchState.state]} businesses, publishers, nonprofits, creators, and developers.

{[eventSearchCtrl.searchState.inFreeAdvertisingFromAdwords | currency :"$" : 0 ]} of free advertising

In 2020, Google provided {[eventSearchCtrl.searchState.inFreeAdvertisingFromAdwords | currency :"$" : 0 ]} of free advertising to {[eventSearchCtrl.searchState.state]} nonprofits through the Google Ad Grants program.

{[eventSearchCtrl.searchState.inFreeAdvertisingFromAdwords]} of free advertising

In 2020, Google provided {[eventSearchCtrl.searchState.inFreeAdvertisingFromAdwords]} of free advertising to {[eventSearchCtrl.searchState.state]} nonprofits through the Google Ad Grants program.

{[eventSearchCtrl.searchState.ofBusinessesNonProfitsAndPublishers]} {[eventSearchCtrl.searchState.ofBusinessesNonProfitsAndPublishers | number]} {[eventSearchCtrl.searchState.state]} businesses

More than {[eventSearchCtrl.searchState.ofBusinessesNonProfitsAndPublishers]} {[eventSearchCtrl.searchState.ofBusinessesNonProfitsAndPublishers | number]} {[eventSearchCtrl.searchState.state]} businesses received requests for directions, phone calls, bookings, reviews and other direct connections to their customers from Google in 2020.