Technology that drives change and inclusion: Iris, living with digital marketing and mentoring

She works with SheTech and Techfugees (now Sistech), transferring her skills and guiding young women in their career path. She invests energy and passion in order to have the widest impact possible on people.

She thrives on technology because this is what allows her to “ride that wave of change and have an impact on people’s lives”. Iris, 29 is a digital marketing manager, but with a great passion for the kind of innovation that grows your experience and skills. “I’m really keen about innovation, neuromarketing, photography and swimming.” She has just joined Viceversa Startup after a couple of stints at Arval BNP Paribas and illimity: “I share my skills to grow the brands and then press on”. Born in Sardinia, she has lived in Madrid, Paris, Lyon, Florence and Milan, “because understanding other cultures and mindsets that are different from yours is a must”. From hackathons to surfing, from mentoring to horse riding, “I’m always looking for new opportunities to network, try new things and become more aware”.

Iris’s daily routine is analyzing data and developing strategies that can help the ViceVersa Startup win over new customers. But digital marketing means a lot more to her. “When digital and technology work together in a people-centered way, they can drive innovation”. What’s more, “they become decisive in your day-to-day work, as well as in people’s personal and professional growth”. This is why, when off the job, Iris also works with companies that see technology as a way to promote professional and business experiences. “I am a member and ambassador of SheTech, a no-profit association that was set up to bridge the gender divide in the technology, digital and business sector.”. Additionally, Iris is a mentor for Techfugees (now Sistech), “an organization that supports the independence of displaced people through technology”. There, she helped to train and upskill a female refugee who “bravely achieved excellent results with her talent and approach”.

It’s because of SheTech that she got to know about the Women Will project which “has really impacted my life and my work”. In the past, Iris had attended several Google Digital Academy courses such as Analytics and Ads Display, “which enabled me to build a solid technical background”. Women Will webinar pills on Leadership were also helpful: “developing my personal skills and strengths, and building my awareness”. She mainly focused on developing “empathy, listening, and non-verbal communication skills as well as inclusive language”. Not abstract concepts but practical tools “that I started using on the job every day”. In meetings for example:” now, I know how to deal with conflict and pay more attention to what a speaker does and am more confident when pitching my ideas. Even when I’m the only woman in the room.”

Her experience shows there is still a gender gap in the technology and digital sectors: “SheTech research findings reflect this. The gap can be overcome first of all by “listening, talking and developing an inclusive leadership style”. The only way to break down gender gaps is to “build connections, share your experience by using women as role models and always finding the courage to say what you think”.

Iris’s wish in the near future is to continue promoting new reference models and the intergenerational exchange, who “I really love to talk and create synergies with others because I learn so much from younger people too”. Her job, volunteer and mentorship work, travel, sport activities and passions are all in one:” It’s all about growing, generating and sharing new ideas, meeting new people that can inspire you, whatever you do. At work, digital marketing is her future, “I love thinking about new marketing and growth strategies and why not, I may even create something of my own”, placing “sustainability and inclusion” that can have “a positive, real and tangible impact for people” at the top of the list.

The Women Will program has been decisive in my life and work. I’ve learned how to pitch my ideas confidently: I’m not afraid to say what I think and I’m more careful than before about non-verbal communication and inclusive language. I’ve refined my strengths and now I feel I’m able to fully express them.

Iris Terzitta, Digital Marketing Manager, IRIS TERZITTA


Milan, Italy


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