Soetkin Van Huylenbroeck: When girl meets job

Looking for a job and trying to work out your next career move can be both an exciting and daunting time - especially when you’re unsure whether or not you have enough experience required for the job you want.

When Soetkin Van Huylenbroeck first began to look for a new job, she was excited to start this next chapter of her life. But, as so often is the case, she soon got the feeling that the companies she picked out as potential future employers were looking for someone more experienced than she was. Looking for a way to gain more knowledge and experience within the field of marketing, she decided to take part in the Google Digital Coordinator training, hoping this would make up for the lack of experience.

During three weeks of intensive training, Soetkin learned useful information that she could apply to her next role. When the course ended after the three weeks, she attended a job fair organised by Google Digital Atelier. Her visit to the job fair was successful, and she was pleased to have found a job as a digital marketeer and trainer for a company called CodeNPlay. Since starting her varied new role, she has been teaching children how to code while working as a lead in the marketing strategy of the start-up.

How to set up a communication plan and how to set up a marketing strategy, those are all thing I put to use at my current job.

Soetkin Van Huylenbroeck, Digital Marketeer & Trainer, CodeNPlay




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